How To Use Aeropress

How to use an Aeropress for great coffee – Instructions

The Aeropress is very popular in among coffee aficionados who love experimenting with different brewing methods. In this article, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Aeropress, from how it works, to the right recipe for an exceptional taste experience. You’ll soon conjure up aromatic coffee in a class of its own…

Third Wave Coffee

Third Wave Coffee Trends – Changes vs 1st & 2nd Waves + Move to 4th Wave?

If you frequent modern coffee shops, you’ve probably heard the term Third Wave Coffee pop up. Most people haven’t the slightest idea that coffee professionals even differentiate waves in the coffee world, so if you’re looking for some information on the topic, read on. What does Third Wave even mean in the context of coffee?…

Coffee Roast Levels

The 4 Types of Coffee Roasts Compared (Taste, Aroma, Brewing Differences)

Did you know that coffee beans acquire their characteristic flavor only after roasting?  Before roasting, coffee beans are green and taste like grass. Only after reaching one of the four types of coffee roasts will they look, smell, and taste like the coffee beans you are used to. Before I explain the difference between coffee…

Coffee Featured

Visual Coffee Grind Size Chart & Guide for Your Favorite Brew Methods

Coffee grind size is one of the most important factors in brewing a great cup of coffee. It can be confusing to know which grind size to use for your coffee maker, but once you understand the basics, it’s easy to find the perfect grind for your beans. What is coffee grind size? The term…

Too Bitter Coffee

Too bitter coffee is easy to fix! Here are the 9 causes and solutions ☕

If you love coffee but find yourself making a bitter brew, you might be asking why your coffee is so bitter?! This guide will walk you through a few simple tips on how to fix your bitter coffee. In no time, you’ll be making cup after cup of smooth, rich, and delicious coffee with no…

Civet Cat Coffee Cherries

Kopi Luwak – The Most Intriguing, Disturbing, Expensive Coffee in the World

I can’t think of any other coffee specialty that divides opinions as much as Kopi Luwak coffee from Indonesia, also known as cat poop coffee. Some swear by its particularly smooth and mild taste, some just want to try it because of how expensive it is, while others condemn it because of negative headlines. What…

Froth Milk At Home

6 Easy Ways to Froth Milk at Home (Without Expensive Machinery)

You don’t need to be a barista with expensive equipment to make a cappuccino, latté, cortado, or any other milk-based coffee drink at home. Most of the materials you need are probably in your kitchen already! In this post, I’ll teach you 6 ways how to froth milk at home quickly and easily, so you’ll be…