Pre Infuse Espresso Featured

Pre-Infusion in Espresso Coffee: Does It Really Make a Difference?

Have you tried following all the advised variables for your espresso to a T, but still can’t get the espresso shot you hope for? Then there is a technique that might just make all the difference: pre-infusion. Now, you might be thinking, “But isn’t this just another gimmick?” Actually, I was skeptical at first too….

When To Start Espresso Timer Featured

When to Start Timing Your Espresso Shot? A Barista’s Explainer

Baristas know full well how important precision is when pulling that perfect shot of espresso. Aside from the measurement of the ingredients, temperature, and pressure, another key factor is the timing. Timing plays an essential role in crafting that perfect cup. And yet, there seems to be a never-ending debate on when exactly to start…

Espresso Sparkling Water Featured

Cleanse, Sip, Repeat – Understanding the Espresso Sidecar

At a local cafe, I overheard a customer asking why his espresso came with a glass of sparkling water, that he didn’t even ask for 🙂 That’s when I realized that the benefit of the fizzy drink isn’t common knowledge to people. In this article, I’ll go in-depth on this subject – exploring the origins…

Black Coffee Weight Loss

5 Science-Backed Ways Black Coffee Can Help Weight Loss

Are you searching for a natural, delicious, and healthy way to help in weight loss? Look no further than black coffee.  Studies have shown that regular black coffee brewed from fresh ground beans offers numerous health benefits, including facilitating weight loss. Imagine that!  In this article, I will explore 5 interesting ways black coffee can…

How To Tamp Espresso

How to Tamp Espresso Like a Pro: Barista Tips, Techniques, and Troubleshooting

I have been making espresso for years and for us baristas, it’s no secret that precision plays a huge role in pulling perfect shots. And you guessed it, tamping can make or break a great cup of espresso. So if you want to level up your barista game in this regard, read on. I’ll be…

How Espresso Machines Work Featured

How Espresso Machines Work – Discover The Right Type of Brewer for You

In the world of espresso, I believe knowledge is power. And one of the first things you really need to learn about is how espresso machines work– and how they differ from your typical brewer. If you’re looking to find out more about how espresso makers work, stick with me. From its history to the…

How To Drink Espresso

How To Drink Espresso Like a Pro – Truly Appreciating Each Cup

Whether you’re an espresso aficionado or simply curious about what lies beyond your daily latte order at the local café, join me in discovering the vibrant world that awaits within every tiny cup of espresso. Understanding Espresso Coffee First off, what is espresso? For the uninitiated, espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing…