Doppio Double Espresso Recipe Featured 2

How to Make Doppio (aka Double-Shot) Espresso Like a Pro

Are you tired of bland, weak coffee that leaves you unsatisfied and wanting more? Upgrade your morning routine with a simple doppio that’s guaranteed to give you the caffeine boost you’re looking for. 

Today we’re going back to the foundation of many of your favorite coffee-based drinks. Instead of a single shot of espresso, we’re going to double that amount.

In this recipe, I’ll provide detailed explanations alongside step-by-step instructions for making the perfect doppio shot at home so you, too, can enjoy its bold flavor and aroma in a matter of seconds.

Let’s get started.

What is a Doppio (Double) Espresso? 

Doppio espresso is simply Italian for a double shot of espresso that may possibly be served in a slightly larger demitasse. People started drinking it as a more robust version of the single espresso in Europe and North America, but it is now enjoyed worldwide.

Specialty coffee only works with double espressos, single ones (out of 9g coffee for example) are not brewed at all. This is also part of the reason why you’ll see that while single espresso costs $1.50, a double will only be around a 25-50 cents more at a specialty coffee shop. The 2nd would go to waste, unless their order flow allows them to use it quickly.

The process is straightforward, and the preparation time depends on your machine, but each shot should take less than a minute from start to finish.

Doppio Espresso Recipe

The volume of the final drink is typically two ounces, so double that of an espresso, but this may vary depending on your personal preference or the specific equipment you use.

The volume also varies by café. A good example is a Starbucks doppio which is 1.5 oz, but it is still double the amount of their solo espresso with a 0.75 oz. And it’ll be slightly less at a Costa. And if you go to Italy, the home of the espresso, it’ll be even less. Italian espresso standards call for 14g of dark roast per doppio, aiming for a 50 ml final beverage (including crema).

Equipment and Ingredients for a Doppio Espresso

With these simple ingredients and equipment commonly found in a coffee enthusiast’s home, pulling off a doppio should be a cinch:

  • Espresso machine – A real espresso machine that can apply 9 bars of pressure.
  • 16-20 g of freshly roasted coffee beans – Freshly roasted, medium roast profiles are my preference.
  • Filtered water – To enhance the taste and preserve the flavor profile of your beans (don’t use simple tap water).
  • Scale – A good scale like this TIMEMORE is necessary to measure the coffee grounds and brewed beverage weight accurately.

TIMEMORE Black Mirror Basic 2.0 Electronic Coffee Scale

(14 customer reviews)

Perhaps the best price-value on the market, this beautifully designed scale gives you advanced features like automatic timer, flow meter, and scale accurate to 0.1g. Its user-friendly control panel and waterproof surface make coffee preparation effortless.

Step-by-step Guide to Making a Doppio Espresso at Home

Ready to become a master barista? Follow these instructions, and with enough time and practice, you’ll be ready to pull off every cup:

1. Set up your equipment

Prepare the espresso machine, scale, tamper, portafilter basket, coffee beans, and cup.

2. Measure 16-20 grams of freshly roasted coffee beans

Like every recipe, getting the precise amount of coffee is vital to any successful brew. It’s best to use a digital scale with an accuracy of at least 0.1 g increments. Other features you should consider are multiple measuring units, water resistance, and power options.

18 g is the standard in specialty coffee, but you can go higher or lower, depending on the specific beans. It’s also good to know that in traditional Italian cafés where dark roast coffee beans are used, the doppio is made from 14 g as I already mentioned.

3. Grind the coffee beans

The proper grind is another crucial factor you must pay attention to. As you probably know, different types of coffee drinks require different grind sizes. The coffee grinds of doppios, just like espressos, should be ground to a fine consistency. It should be less coarse than sand but not too fine that water cannot filter through.

Espresso Grind Size

4. Fill the portafilter basket with the ground coffee

Press down the ground coffee using a tamper until all areas are compressed evenly. A good tamp ensures that water evenly saturates the grounds and extracts all of the rich flavor.

5. Attach the filled portafilter

Once you’re sure the coffee is packed tight, attach it back to the group head of your espresso machine.

6. Turn on the machine and brew

Place your cup under the spout, and pull a double shot.

Watch out for droplets coming from both spouts at equal intervals, if you have a double spout portafilter. This indicates that tamping was done correctly, and the grind size was perfect, which resulted in consistent extraction.

The total brew time should be 25-30 seconds with a 1:2 to 1:3 coffee to water for this recipe. Once you’ve extracted enough liquid, remove the cup. You will have to dial in your espresso to get things perfect.

TIP: Modify the brewing water temperature of your espresso machine based on the roast level you are using. Light roast requires higher temperature water(94-96°C), while dark roasts are best with lower temperatures (88-92°C).

7. Serve immediately 

Just like a regular espresso, doppios are prepared to be served immediately. 

What kind of cup should Doppio espresso be served in?

Doppios are traditionally served in a demitasse or an espresso cup, which is approximately 60 ml in size. Larger cups expose your double espresso to too much air, ruining the flavors within. 

Ceramic Demitasse

Helpful Tips for Brewing a Doppio Espresso

I hope these tips help you avoid some of the common mistakes I made when I was just starting:

  • Ensure you’re distributing the grounds evenly by knocking the side and bottom of the portafilter a few times.
  • Make sure to tamp with enough force, but you should also avoid packing the grounds too tightly into your portafilter. These scenarios can lead to under- or over-extraction, resulting in an imbalanced flavor experience. A rule of thumb is tamp as hard as a firm handshake.
  • Subtle nuances can significantly affect the final flavor profile when experimenting with different types of beans, roast levels, and water temperature settings. Take note of any changes you make and their corresponding results.
Doppio Double Espresso Recipe Featured 2

How to Make Double Shot Espresso Like a Pro

Indulge in a double shot of rich and bold Italian-style Doppio espresso with this easy-to-follow recipe
Total Time 3 minutes
Course Coffee Smarts
Servings 1 servings


  • 18 g freshly roasted coffee beans (medium-dark to dark roasts)


  • Set up your equipment, warm the demitasse.
  • Measure 18-20 grams of freshly roasted coffee beans.
  • Grind the coffee beans to a fine consistency.
  • Fill the portafilter basket with the ground coffee and tamp firmly and evenly.
  • Attach the filled portafilter and pull your shot (in 25-30 seconds).
  • Serve immediately before it cools.



  • You will have to dial in your grind settings with each new bean.
  • Watch that extraction time, too short and your coffee will be sour, too long and it will be bitter.


Doppio espresso is an easy way to spice up your morning cup of coffee. With a few simple steps, you can pull off two shots that are smooth and rich in flavor.

Many factors are involved in making this delicious beverage, from using freshly roasted beans to getting the right grind consistency. With a bit of patience and persistence in following our guidelines, you’ll be sure to impress even the most discerning coffee connoisseurs. So what are you waiting for? Try our recipe today, and let us know how it went.

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  1. Responding to BigDave32, if I may. The essenceof a doppio is generally two shots of espresso, which is roughly 2 ounces. However, as Tom detailed, the volume can vary by location. If you prefer a less intense drink, you could try adding a bit more water while keeping the coffee quantity constant. That should dilute the intensity just a touch without changing the coffee-to-water ratio too drastically.

  2. Tom, I wish I’d read your article earlier. Your step-by-step guide is spot-on. Having struggled with my home espresso machine, I finally understand where I’ve been going wrong — the grind size of the beans. Made an adjustment, and the difference is night and day. Cheers.

  3. Hey, just wanted to clarify something. When you mention adjusting the volume of the drink based on personal preference, are there specific guidelines to follow without compromising the essence of doppio? I like my espresso strong but not too intense, and I’d want to maintain the balance.

    1. No, I was only referring to dialing in your espresso as normal. Some people like it a little lower volume, at a 1:2 ratio, but for example, I like mine at just under 1:3.

  4. Quick question for Tom or anyone else who can help: The article mentions using medium roast for the beans. How does the roast affect the espresso if I were to use a light or dark roast instead? Would it significantly change the flavor of a doppio?

  5. I never knew there was so much to consider when brewing a doppio espresso at home. The notes about the cost difference in coffee shops were fascinating. Something I’ve been wondering about: what impact does water temperature have on the extraction of a doppio? Any advice on that?

  6. I found the article to be quite insightful, especially the part about how specialty coffee shops handle single vs. double espressos. As a seasoned barista myself, I’ve observed that the waste of a second shot can indeed be an issue in less busy establishments.

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