Keurig Sickness Mold Featured

What is Keurig Sickness? Symptoms, Causes, & How to Prevent It

As a barista, I can’t stress enough how important it is to clean your brewing equipment properly. Not only does this keep your coffee delicious and maintain your machine’s tip-top shape, but not doing so can also lead to some health concerns, such as the notorious Keurig sickness. If you’re suspicious about your coffee making you…

Nespresso Pod More Coffee

Can You Reuse a Nespresso Pod Twice or More? The Truth About Your Capsules

When my friends chat me up about owning a Nespresso machine, they hit me with two common concerns: the hefty price tag and resulting waste. Then, their next question, “Can you reuse a Nespresso capsule? That way both the pricing and sustainability issues are resolved after all.” So no more raising an eyebrow because in…

Water For Coffee Featured

What is The Best Type of Water to Brew Coffee? Not What You Think!

I fondly think back to my early days in brewing, including mistakes that turned into lessons. I remember looking down on my daily brew, feeling that something was missing even though I followed the variables to a tee. Then it hit me: I wasn’t using the best type of water for coffee. Water is as…

Peaberry Coffee Bean Featured

What Are Peaberry Coffee Beans? Getting to Know This Tanzanian Gem

Throughout my barista journey, my love for coffee has led me to encounter uniquely flavorful brews. One such discovery that I am particularly fond of is Peaberry coffee beans. However, they are pricier than your average beans which can be quite a deterrent for daily consumption. So you might be wondering, what exactly are Peaberry coffee…

Coffee Creamer Substitutes Featured

20 Coffee Creamer Alternatives – Tasty Creamer Substitutes I Tried and Loved

I’ve been making coffee for other people for years now, and a common concern is the coffee creamer that goes into the cup of joe. Coffee drinkers often seek coffee creamer alternatives for various reasons ranging from health choices to dietary restrictions. In this article, I’ve rounded up some tried-and-tested coffee creamer substitutes that can…

Espresso Dosing Featured

Espresso Dosing Guide: How Many Grams of Coffee Do You Really Need?

I’ve been pulling espresso shots for years now, and I’ve found that one of the most important parts of this process is getting the espresso dosing right. Even if you got the other variables correct, such as the grind size and tamping technique, making an error on your dose could still leave you with a…

Iced Aeropress Coffee Featured

AeroPress Iced Coffee Recipe – Two Ways to Brew This Cool Drink

I’ve been brewing coffee with the AeroPress for years now, but it was only this summer that I started experimenting with AeroPress iced coffee recipes. If you’re a fellow coffee enthusiast who can’t resist multiple coffees per day, it’s only natural to seek iced coffee during summer. Today, I’m sharing with you my two favorite…

Capresso Infinity Grinder Review

Capresso Infinity Burr Grinder Review – Is This Affordable Automatic Grinder Worth It?

In my years as a barista, I’ve always found enjoyment in being hands-on when brewing coffee. But it’s also nice to make some parts of the process convenient, such as grinding the coffee beans. This is why you might consider picking a reliable automatic grinder. But what if you’re on a budget? Fret not, because…